Restorative Dentistry


Many of us remember going to the dentist with a cavity and returning home with a shiny silver filling. For the next 15-20 years, these fillings held up well, but they sure weren't pretty when you opened wide. Eventually, scientific advances yielded a material that was strong enough to sustain the impact of chewing, yet soft enough to condense and shape. Today, metal fillings are becoming obsolete, which means our patients can maintain their beautiful smiles!


Dental crowns, also known as "caps," preserve the functionality of damaged teeth. This common dental restoration may be used to protect a cracked tooth, restore the functionality of a tooth with excessive decay, and reinforce teeth after root canals. A crown completely encases the tooth with a custom-created material. Dentists today have a variety of conservative treatment options that should be explored and discussed before selecting


Dental bridges provide an easy and practical tooth-replacement option to revitalize your smile. A dental bridge is a fixed (non-removable) appliance that uses the surrounding teeth as anchors to hold the replacement teeth in position. There are several types of bridges, including the "traditional bridge”, which is the most popular type and is usually made of porcelain fused to metal. Porcelain-fixed bridges are popular because they are durable and can last many years. Any bridge may need to be recemented or replaced over time due to normal wear.

Restorative Aftercare Instructions:

Patients who have been numbed should refrain from chewing for 1-2 hrs. or until the tongue, lips and cheeks feel "awake". It is common to experience diminishing sensitivity, especially to cold, for up to 2 weeks after treatment. If discomfort worsens or persists for more than 3 days, call and speak with one of our staff members. A filling that seems "big" when you bite down may need to be adjusted. 


Teeth are extracted or removed when they are not savable by any other treatment. This may be due to decay, infection, or trauma. Teeth are also extracted for orthodontic reasons when there is inadequate space to accommodate all teeth.

For 72 hours following a permanent extraction:

  • Do not scratch, chew, suck or rub lips, tongue, or cheek while they feel numb or asleep.
  • Keep gauze pack over extraction site until active bleeding has stopped. Mild oozing is normal for about 24 hours. Avoid changing the gauze until it is saturated with blood or saliva to allow clots to form
  • Do not rinse the mouth for several hours following the extraction
  • Do not spit excessively
  • Do not drink carbonated drinks for the remainder of the day
  • Do not drink through a straw
  • do not smoke
  • Maintain a soft diet for 2-3 days until it is comfortable eating normally
  • Avoid strenuous exercise or physical activity after extraction

Bleeding-Some bleeding is expected. If unusual or sustained bleeding occurs, place cotton gauze firmly over the extraction area and bite down or hold in place for fifteen minutes. This can also be accomplished with a moist tea bag. Repeat if necessary.

Pain- For discomfort use over-the-counter pain relievers such as Ibuprofen. A maximum of 800mg is allowed in an 8-hour period. If given a prescription, then follow the directions on the bottle. Please do not hesitate to contact the office if there are any questions.

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Hours of Operation

Our Regular Schedule


8:30 am-5:00 pm


8:30 am-5:00 pm


8:30 am-5:00 pm


8:30 am-5:00 pm


10:00 am-4:00 pm





  • ""Five out of five. I would recommend this place to anyone, they are so good. Dr Jones is thorough, fast and efficient and her team that works side by side with her is so kind loving and caring! What a great place thank you guys""
    Brynn Grichuk
  • ""Dr.Jones and her team are AMAZING i have been taking my 4 kids here since they were 1 and i recently started going and it has been the best experience. I 100% recommend!!""
    Kassandra Darnaby
  • "" I cannot thank the Dr Jones, Miss Amy, and their amazing team enough for their outstanding care when my nine-year-old had a severe trauma to his front tooth. It happened on a Friday evening, and they went above and beyond to provide emergency help. The doctor was not only direct and knowledgeable but also extremely compassionate.""
    Alexandra Paxia